During this time of uncertainty and juggling parenting and working at a distance, the ESSB family would like to offer resources to help keep your children stimulated, and curious. We want to stress the importance that parents are by no means obliged to become teachers and homeschool their children, but hopefully these resources can help keep your children engaged in learning during this time. En cette période d'incertitude et de jonglage entre vos obligations parentales et le travail à distance, la famille ESSB souhaite offrir des ressources pour vous aider à garder vos enfants stimulés et curieux. Nous voulons souligner l'importance du fait que les parents ne sont en aucun cas obligés de devenir enseignants et d'éduquer leurs enfants à la maison, mais nous espérons que ces ressources pourront contribuer à maintenir l'intérêt de vos enfants pour l'apprentissage pendant cette période.»
Weekly Challenge

Hi ESSB Students!
It is my pleasure to bring you the first weekly challenge on Skill Share. This week’s mathematics challenges come from The Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computer Science (CEMC). There are challenging problems for different grade levels linked below. I want to share a few notes with you before you dive into these awesome mathematics challenges:
These problems are challenging! Please don’t read the problem and give up right away. Use this time to practice struggling with a problem and test your thinking. Remember you are a smarty pants and you can do it!
Each teacher introduces topics in their own unique order and some topics may take longer than others, so it is possible you haven’t learned some of the vital information required to solve the problem. If this is the case I suggest trying the problem designed for a grade level below. It will allow you to refresh your memory on topics you learned previously but it will still be a challenge.
Zak Likely, Math and Science Educational Consultant